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10 valuable tips that all parents need

Being a parent can sometimes feel a little overwhelming. Advice, help and tips roll in from every angle. This guide (and your common sense) will hopefully give you the confidence you need to be the best parent of your child.

1. It is not dangerous to be insolent

“The mother and father quarrel does not hurt the child. On the contrary, when the child is born it knows that it can be, it belongs to everyday life, ”writes Malin Alfvén and Kristina Hofsten in Trotsboken. As wise as true! Every mood belongs to life and it does not deserve to have too bad a conscience that one is not always on top of others. We want to show them all life, and teach them to relate to all emotions. However, if the noise becomes too much of everyday life, one should not be afraid to ask for help and support from outside.

2. Answer questions

The constant question of "why" can be a bit tedious in the name of honesty. But it's just a matter of curiosity and a way for your child to learn new things. Therefore, it is important to always answer. If you stop responding, they stop asking, which inhibits their curiosity and willingness to learn new things.

3. Rest, warmth and closeness to illness

“In addition to any treatment, there are three things above all that the little and the sick often need: rest, fluid and proximity. […] Many sick children want to be close, close. Spending the day on Dad's or Mom's lap or close to the bed or couch can feel nice when the body aches or the fever rises. Sometimes a temporary bed in the kitchen or living room sofa can be a good solution for everyone, ”writes Maria Fröjdh and Maria Zamore in We Parents' Big Book on Children. Three words - rest, warmth and closeness - that are important to carry when your child needs a little extra support!

4. Be childish

Let your child see the child in you. Laugh, bust and chase them while saying "Now I come and take you ...". It can be nice to let go of the everyday stress sometimes - plus you and your child will have fun on the bargain!

5. Talk, talk, talk!

“You should start talking to your children the day they are born and then you will continue with that life. To begin with, you should reflect the children's inner experiences in words but also in tone, memory games and gestures. Gradually, it's more about helping them put words into their thoughts and feelings themselves. This may sound simple and obvious, but it really is not, and probably all parents know, ”Per Wallroth writes in the Mentalization Book. Talking to your children, wholeheartedly, continuously and with curiosity, can be one of the most important things you can do as a parent.

6. You are good enough!

“Parents should not teach children to be perfect. Parents should teach children that they are as good as they are ”. The words are taken from Petra Krantz Lindgren's book With a sense of children's self-esteem, but it is not actually Petra but an Fia, 8 years, who sends the quotation. What else is there to add? All right, Fia!

7. Don't panic

Accept odd eating habits and offer your child variety. But above all, don't push and don't worry. Your child eats when hungry.

8. Live in the present

That checklist you have - washing clothes, buying new pacifiers or watering the flowers - don't take it too seriously. Sometimes it can be nice to ignore the duty and be present with your child. Your time together is precious and is over faster than you think!

9. One step at a time

Is it time to go from baby bottle to beverage mug or from crib to real bed? It can easily become overwhelming for your child. To facilitate the change, have your child play with the new mug or read the fairy tale in the new bed to make the transition as smooth as possible. Once they become familiar with the new experience, the change can be made much easier.

10. Dare to apologize

We all make mistakes and mistakes sometimes, it's totally okay. But dare to admit it and apologize. This teaches your children that it is okay as long as you are aware of it and then apologize.


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