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10 values ​​to teach your children

There are many values ​​that you need to teach your children to become adults who can make their own decisions and function in their social context. In this article you will find out what values ​​are most important for your children to learn

1. Honesty

Honesty is a value that children must learn in early childhood. Probably at some stage they will choose to lie or cover up something they did wrong to avoid being punished. This is exactly when you should teach them how important it is to be honest so that they can be considered reliable.

2. Tolerance

In such a diversified world as the one we live in, tolerance is a very important value. It is important that the children understand and accept different views, cultures, people groups and religions. Children should also understand that not everyone is equal in being able to socialize in healthy human conditions.

3. Respect

One of the first values ​​you should teach your children is respect. This virtue is essential for people to coexist in a society. During their first years of life, it is important that they learn not to raise their voices, to respect the elderly and to follow the rules of the household.

4. Responsibility

Teaching children this value means making them understand that everything has its positive and negative consequences. They also learn that everyone must take responsibility for their actions and behavior. This rating will primarily help the children to complete certain tasks and to live up to  their responsibilities.

5. Kindness

Friendliness is a trait that strengthens social relationships as well as family relationships . Thus , children should learn to be kind to others, even during their "bad days". They must understand that even if you are in a bad mood, there is no excuse for not treating people well.

6. Character

Building character does not happen overnight, but requires a lot of time to learn. However, it is one of the values ​​you must teach your children. They should be able to make their own decisions,  while always respecting themselves and others.

7. Self-esteem

Having a good self-esteem will be crucial in many areas of your children's lives. Self-esteem creates the ability to live without feeling extremely much pressure or experiencing difficulties. Thus , children must learn to accept themselves and not to accept certain behavior from others.

8. Collaboration

Teaching your children to cooperate encourages them to work in a team when necessary. By learning to work with others to reach their goals, children learn that they will need a helping hand sooner or later in their lives.

9. Empathy

One way to develop empathy in children is to encourage sensitivity. In other words , it will help them get into someone else's situation, and try to know what other people are feeling. While this virtue often develops spontaneously, it may sometimes need some reinforcement.

10. Forgiveness

Learning to recognize their mistakes, apologize and forgive are essential features. Initially, children will have difficulty understanding this because children are going through an egocentric phase where they do not accept the fact that they have made a mistake.

By discussing the meaning of forgiveness, the children will eventually understand just how important it really is. Thus, in the future, they will avoid angering others or harboring other harmful feelings.

Have you already taught your children these values? Don't forget to set a good example every day. Teaching them these values ​​and using them practically in everyday life will ensure that your children grow up to become good citizens.


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